rotation bed design award

The rotating bed of tomorrow


Rotobed rotating bed design

RotoBed® aims to deliver the world’s best rotating bed.

With the care bed RotoBed®Free and the newly developed RotoBed®Home for users in their own homes, it takes less than a minute for the user to get from lying down to standing up.

For the user, this means a daily life with less pain, higher quality of life and more freedom and dignity. The nursing staff of citizens with a RotoBed® will also achieve a better working environment, less stressful work positions and more efficient transfers.

The new generation of rotative beds will go to a height as low as 32 cm above the floor – and holding a maximum user weight of 190 kg they are suitable for both overweight and tall or small users. Citizens suffering from conditions such as dementia, Parkinson’s and sclerosis may also benefit from a RotoBed®.

Rotating bed with award-winning design

Good design also contributes to quality of life. RotoBed® has wanted to create a bed that makes the user think of anything but illness and pain instead of just reminding them. Behind the harmonious exterior of RotoBed® is the award-winning Danish furniture designer Hans Sandgren Jakobsen,

who, based on a Scandinavian tradition, focuses on innovation, aesthetics and functionality.

The beds’ stylish and minimalistic design has gained international attention. In 2019 RotoBed® and Hans Sandgren Jakobsen received the coveted IF Design Award as well as a place in the final of the Danish Design Award. In 2020, RotoBed®Home received the European Product Design Award with an honorable mention as Top Winner.

Respecting nature

RotoBed® produces our beds with a strong focus on sustainability and long-lasting, recyclable materials. Also, during packaging and transport, we take environmental considerations high and use only recyclable or biodegradable material.

Scroll down to see the video with Hans Sandgren Jakobsen describing his relation to nature and how it inspired him to the RotoBed® design.

Why choose a rotating bed from RotoBed®?

“I’ve got my life back”

“It postpones the need for home care”

“It turned back on the light in my husband’s eyes”

“It is just brilliant!”

“To me this bed means freedom”

“It is such a great relief”

“I go to bed when I want”

“Now I get up without pain”

Who may benifit from a RotoBed®? Read here what users, caregivers, occupational therapists, transfer supervisors and managers are saying about their experiences with our rotating bed.

RotoBed® care beds are welfare technology for everyone. A simple and intelligent operation facilitates the lives of both users, relatives and staff. At the same time, RotoBed® has a range of accessories, specially designed for our beds, to further facilitate transfer and care.

RotoBed®Home is a unique rotating bed for users in privat homes. It helps you get in and out of bed without pain, contributing to dignity and a higher quality of life. You can custumize RotoBed®Home by choosing between different headboards and textile colours.

RotoBed®Free is a unique rotating care bed with height adjustment. It offers good work postures for care givers and helps the user to get in and out of bed without pain, contributing to dignity and a higher quality of life.

Contact us to learn more

RotoBed® delivers the unique rotating beds RotoBed®Home and RotoBed®Free for large parts of the world.

We value high quality and service and we have extensive experience in tailoring welfare technology solutions for municipalities, institutions and individuals.

For an appointment or more information, please contact us on telephone +45 7550 5025 or

RotoBed®Home is a unique rotating bed for users in private homes. It helps you get in and out of bed without pain, contributing to dignity and a higher quality of life. You can customize RotoBed®Home by choosing between different headboards and textile colours.

Join us for a live RotoBed demo 

We'll walk you through the innovative features of RotoBed® and answer any questions you may have online by Facetime or Skype.

Join us for a live RotoBed® demo